The League does not support or oppose any political party, candidate for elective office, office holder or any group that supports candidates.

Board members shall not run for elective office, or be candidates for appointment to an elective office, except for judge of election and minority and majority inspector positions*. Each Board member shall be responsible for understanding the nonpartisan political policy, anticipating difficulties and minimizing any risks to the League’s nonpartisan image. A Board member who cannot comply with this nonpartisan policy of the Radnor League should resign from the Board.

Board members shall not take an active, visible role in a campaign for a political candidate. They may not attend candidates’ fundraisers or any other partisan political affairs.

Members of the Board shall not display partisan buttons, signs or bumper stickers or distribute partisan campaign literature. A member of the Board may sign, but not circulate nominating petitions for elective office, may make a contribution to a political party or candidate, but may not solicit for a political candidate. A Board member may be a candidate for an appointed governmental board or committee.

All members of the LWV of Radnor are welcome as observers at Board meetings. Non Board members are encouraged to be active in their political parties, to run for office and work in campaigns. Consequently, only the elected and duly appointed Board members, who have removed themselves from such partisan activity, may take part in discussions leading to decision making. This is the Board’s obligation. At the discretion of the President, observers may be recognized for comment after the business of the meeting is completed. A non Board member may be invited to give a report to the Board, but again, should otherwise remain an observer.

It is the responsibility of the President to see that every Board member has a copy of this policy, and that it be reviewed at the first meeting of each Board.

* Adopted by the Radnor LWV Board of Directors November 2006