Frequently, the League works together with other groups and institutions in our community and region to provide educational opportunities and/or strengthen our voice. However, we do not endorse or support candidates as may be promoted by such organizations or agencies.


The League communicates, as needed, and, at times, coordinates specific programs and activities with the following institutions:


  • Cabrini University
  • Eastern University
  • Valley Forge Military Academy and College
  • Villanova University

Public and Private Schools

  • Academy of Notre Dame de Namur
  • Agnes Irwin
  • Archbishop Carroll
  • Barrack Hebrew Academy
  • Radnor Township School District
  • Sacred Heart Academy
  • St. Aloysius Academy
  • St. Katherine of Siena School

Community Groups and Organizations

The League communicates, as needed, and, at times, coordinates specific programs and activities with the following groups and organizations:

  • Bateman-Gallagher American Legion Post 668
  • CommUNITY Breakfast of the Main Line
  • Radnor Conservancy
  • Radnor Girl Scouts
  • Radnor Historical Society
  • Radnor Memorial Library
  • Radnor Memorial Day Parade Committee
  • Radnor Parent Teacher Organizations
  • Radnor Residents for Gun Safety
  • Skunk Hollow Community Garden
  • Wayne Business Association
  • Wayne Senior Center
  • Willows Preserve 

Business Facilitators

The League is grateful to the cooperation of local merchants in providing venues for voter registration, posting League events, and other opportunities to engage residents in public participation in local government:

  • The Gyphon Café
  • Main Point Books

Governmental Agencies

The activities and programs of the League would not be possible without the support of local governmental entities for the use of their facilities, their outreach through their communication network, and the cooperation of their elected officials and staff:

  • Radnor Township Municipality
  • Radnor Township School District
  • MLTV-Main Line Network (formerly Radnor Studio 21)

Advocacy and Educational Groups

Educational and political action of the League is strengthened by coalitions advocating or promoting issues and events consistent with League positions at the local, state, or national levels. These groups reach beyond Radnor and include, but are not limited to:

  • American Association of University Women
  • Cease Fire PA
  • Clean Water Action
  • Clean Air Council
  • Citizens for Better Elections
  • Common Cause
  • Daughters of the American Revolution
  • Delaware Riverkeeper Network
  • Election Protection
  • Fair Districts PA
  • Penn Future
  • Penn Environment
  • Public Citizens for Children and Youth (PCCY)
  • Regional Adolescent Sleep Needs Coalition (RASNC)
  • Sierra Club

Partisan Organizations

The cooperation of partisan, political organizations is essential for providing voter information about candidates, coordinating candidate forums, and encouraging voting:

  • Radnor Township Democrats
  • Radnor Township Republicans